1. How To Quantize In Audacity
  2. How To Quantize Fl Studio

I haven’t tried it myself, but this is the step by step Apple gives for quantizing regions of audio on the Mac program. A little digging found this for iPad: Quantize regions in the track You can correct the timing of recordings in a track to a certain note value (called quantization). Garageband Tutorial For Beginners – 5 Things You NEED To Know. 1; How To Mix Vocals In Garageband Part 1.

You don't extend the screen, you inscreaze the size of the Window Pane, that is that section in the Main Window that displays the Editors. TO to that, you move the mouse over the DIvider Line on the upper edge of the Editor. The Pointer changes to a Resize Tool that lets you drag that Divider Line up or down

You didn't mentione which Editor you are referring to. Please note that there are several Editors. Two of them don't have a QUantize Parameter. THat is the Audio Track Editor (shown in the screenshot), when an Audio Region is selected and you select tthe blue Track button. The other Window is the Drummer Editor.

Hope that helps

How To Quantize In Audacity

Edgar Rothermich - LogicProGEM.com

(Author of the 'Graphically Enhanced Manuals')

'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

Nov 8, 2015 11:26 AM

You can quantize, or automatically correct, the timing of notes in the Score Editor. This technique is useful when regions in the track contain the right notes, but are not perfectly in time with the project. When you quantize the timing, items are adjusted to the selected note value.

You can select and quantize complete MIDI regions, or quantize only selected notes in a MIDI region, using the Time Quantize pop-up menu. Time quantization works nondestructively, for playback only. The original timing is never lost, and can be recalled by setting the value to off.

Time quantization in the Score Editor works in the same way as time quantization in the Piano Roll Editor. In the Score Editor, you can also visually quantize the display of notes (independent of their MIDI time quantization) using the Grid pop-up menu.

Quantize the timing of MIDI notes in the Score Editor


How To Quantize Fl Studio

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the Tracks area, select the MIDI regions you want to quantize.

    • In the Score Editor, select the individual notes you want to quantize.

  2. From the Time Quantize pop-up menu, choose the note value you want to use to quantize the timing of the selected items.

  3. Drag the Strength slider to the left to decrease the strength of quantization.

    The Strength slider is available when MIDI regions are selected, but not when individual notes are selected.

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