Note: The next generation, Platform Cable USB II, is now available. Please refer to the DS593, Platform Cable USB II, for details. 0 Platform Cable USB DS300 (v3.2) May 14, 2008 00 Product Specification R X-Ref Target - Figure 1 Figure 1: Xilinx Platform Cable USB DS306.

  1. Xilinx Jtag Driver


The Xilinx ISE Design Suite installer will attempt to install your cable drivers. Across varying platforms and user configurations there can be problems or failures with the install.

Or rather, I finally found drivers that work with my 'Xilinx Platform Cable USB' model DLC9G. Although this specific device I am using has a Xilinx sticker on it, it is a cheap reproduction. I believe the real Xilinx device, as of time of writing, is called a 'PLATFORM CABLE USB II DLC10', part number HW-USB-II-G, which other people may be using. Depending on operating system, one or more cable driver files. Platform Cable USB II contains a Xilinx Spartan-3A FPGA with an in-system programmable Xilinx XCF02S PROM. Each time a design tool establishes a connection with the cable, the firmware version stored in the PROM is examined. The PROM Table 1: Platform Cable USB II Software Compatibility. Yes, Platform Cable USB II is backwards- compatible with all legacy design tools that support Xilinx USB cables. However, the driver for the cable might have to be installed. For complete details on obtaining and installing USB cable drivers, see the USB Cable Installation Guide (UG3. In addition, Platform Cable USB II is a cost effective tool for debugging embedded software and firmware when used with Xilinx applications such as the Embedded Development Kit and ChipScope™ Pro Analyzer. Platform Cable USB II is an upgrade to and backwards compatible with Platform Cable USB. Xilinx is now offering its second generation Pb-Free (RoHS compliant) USB compatible cable for in-circuit configuration and programming of all Xilinx devices. The Platform Cable USB II provides integrated firmware to deliver high-performance, reliable and user-friendly configuration of Xilinx FPGAs and programming of Xilinx PROM and CPLD devices. The Platform Cable USB II cable optimizes. Download driver Xilinx Platform Cable USB II Driver version for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64). Screenshot of files File Name.

This Xilinx Answer gives an overview of how a user can manually install the drivers without re-running the full installation.

Note: For similar Vivado related install/uninstall procedures see Vivado Design Suite User Guide (UG973).


On Windows

  1. Disconnect the Xilinx USB cable. Alternatively, you can disabled the USB cable in the device manager first then re-enable them in step 5; in this case, you will not even need to reboot.
  2. Navigate to <Xilinx install>bin [nt nt64] or <Xilinx install>[nt nt64] in an installed area.
  3. Run wdreg -inf windrvr6.inf install
  4. Run wdreg -inf xusbdrvr.inf install
  5. Connect the Xilinx USB cable.

You might need to run the Command Prompt in Administrator mode

On Linux

There are two ways of installing cable drivers on Linux.
The first one is with limited sudo access (new method) and the second is with sudo -s access.

Limited sudo Access

To get sudo access on a machine, file a helpdesk ticket requesting sudo access to install cable drivers.
You can check which commands can be run by running '/tools/xint/bin/sudo -l'.
To install cable drivers:
  1. Go to<Xilinx install>/bin/[lin lin64] or <Xilinx install>/bin/[lin lin64] in an installed area.
  2. Copy the install_script directory to /tmp.
  3. Run '/tools/xint/bin/sudo /tmp/install_script/install_drivers/install_drivers'
  4. Run '/tools/xint/bin/sudo chmod 666 /dev/windrvr6'

Full sudo -s access

  1. Run sudo -s
  2. Go to<Xilinx install>/bin/[lin lin64] or common/bin/[lin lin64] in an installed area.
  3. Copy the install_script directory to /opt.
  4. Run './install_drivers' in /opt/install_script/install_drivers.
  5. Add windrvr6 read/write access by running 'chmod 666 /dev/windrvr6'.

Additional steps to make chmod permanent on reboot (Red Hat 4)

  1. Open this file with your favorite text editor (requires sudo access): /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions
  2. Add the line to the end of the file:


Additional steps to make chmod permanent on reboot (Red Hat 5+)

  1. Open this file with your favorite text editor (requires sudo access): /etc/rc.local (or /etc/rc.d/rc.local)
  2. Add the line to the end of the file:

chmod 666 /dev/xpc4* chmod 666 /dev/windrvr6

Installing fxload when driver complains about it missing (Red Hat 5)

  1. Download the correct rpm here, one is for 32-bit and one is for 64-bit:
  2. Install the rpm using root access by calling:

rpm -i <filename>.rpm

Installing libusb

Some builds of Linux are missing libusb, which is used for the Xilinx USB cables.

If the libusb is not available, it defaults to using the Jungo drivers, which might have issues with multiple cables.

Uninstalling Cable Drivers

On Windows

  1. Navigate to <Xilinx install>bin [nt nt64] in an installed area.
  2. Open cmd console.
  3. Run 'wdreg -inf %cd%windrvr6.inf uninstall'
  4. Run 'wdreg -inf %cd%xusbdrvr.inf uninstall'
  5. Run 'net stop XilinxPC4Driver'
  6. Delete '%WINDIR%system32driverswindrvr6.sys'
  7. Delete '%WINDIR%system32driversxusb*.sys'
  8. Delete '%WINDIR%system32driversxpc4drvr.sys'

/android-lollipop-skin-pack-for-windows-7-free-download.html. /nexus-1-vst-download.html.

On Linux

  1. Disconnect the USB cable. Close applications that use the cable.
  2. Open a cmd console.
  3. Navigate to <Xilinx install>/bin/[lin lin64] or common/bin/[lin lin64]/install_script/install_drivers in an installed area.
  4. Run ./install_drivers clean
  5. Follow the additional instruction printed in the log.

Debugging Cable Drivers


Check the install log in the Xinfo report.

On Windows

For Windows 7 installation failures see:

On Linux

Xilinx Jtag Driver

  1. Try the command: /sbin/lsusb
  2. Read the log: /var/log/messages
  3. Check the Xinfo for Exit code -
    • Returns 0 if fxload is not found.
    • Returns 1 if driver directory is not accessible.
    • Returns 2 if user does not have root privileges.
  4. On some Linux distributions, installation fails to create the firmware in the correct location (/usr/share/x.hex) as well as the udev rule (/etc/udev/rules.d/xusbdfwu.rules).
    Copy these files into the correct locations from a good install. The xusbdfwu.rules file uses a shell variable, $TEMPNODE. This name may not work on all distributions.
    All references to $TEMPNODE should be replaced with the lowercase version, $tempnode. Then restart udev and the cable should be recognized.
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